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2.8 Personnel selection and -qualification; basic obligations
2.8.1 Electrical installations design, device selection and erection
The project development of electrical systems, the selection of the devices and the
installation in potentially explosive atmospheres may only be performed by persons
whose training includes instruction in various types of ignition and installation
techniques, applicable regulations and prescriptions as well as general principles of
the Zone-classification. The persons must have the relevant competence for the type
of work to be performed.
The personnel must regularly undergo corresponding further training or courses.
For definitions on the knowledge, expertise and competence of the "responsible
persons", "manual workers" and "planners", the IEC 60079-14 or DIN EN 60079-14
standards are to be additionally consulted [suppliers e.g. Beuth Verlag GmbH, VDE-
Verlag GmbH].
2.8.2 Inspection, maintenance and repair
The inspection, maintenance and repair of electrical systems in potentially explosive
environments may only be performed by experienced personnel who have also gained
knowledge on the various types of ignition and installation procedures, the
requirements of the IEC / DIN EN 60079-17 standard, relevant national provisions and
company regulations for the system as well as on the general principles of the Zone-
classification during their training.
Personnel are to undergo appropriate further training or instruction regularly. Proof of
the relevant experience and completed training must be available.
For definitions on the knowledge, expertise and competence of the "responsible
persons", "expert person with leadership functions" and the "performing personnel",
the IEC 60079-17 or DIN EN 60079-17 standards are to be additionally consulted
[suppliers e.g. Beuth Verlag GmbH, VDE-Verlag GmbH].