USer SecUrIty
Please respect the power supply voltages and the connection terminals.
do not modify or dismantle all or part of the product.
do not connect or clean when power is on.
do not watch the lighting source directly, and follow the advice below :
• If the workstation enables it, interpose a filter that will stop the lighting radiation under fixed or adjustable
frame between the source and the operator.
• When these measures cannot be implemented, supply the operators with glasses (class 4) available for sale
at TPL Vision, or with a dedicated protective mask, that will stop the lighting radiation.
• Forbid or limit the direct access to the lighting source (exposure into the radiation axis).
• Establish a security perimeter so as to prevent the operators from approaching the lighting source beyond
the recommendations of the manufacturer, as for eye irritation is concerned.
• In any case, ensure that the chosen means properly reduce the exposition quantities (features of screens or
glasses to be chosen, according to the wavelengths that the operators are exposed to).