Probe Overview
Hot wire probe for the DC580. This probe can be used to measure
air velocity and flow inside ducts. The white dot should face into
the air stream. The probe can be expanded by pulling out the sen-
sor shaft enabling the probe to extend like an antenna.
Air velocity sensor
underneath protective
Slide the sensor protective
hood all the way down to
perform air velocity mea-
surements. Make sure the
temperature sensor is not
Replace the cover when
not in use.
Hot Wire Probe Sensors
Hot Wire Probe
(Part number A581)
Vane Probe
(Part number A582)
Vane probe for the DC580. This probe can be used to measure air
velocity and flow at registers, hoods, and other openings. The
white line/dot should face into the air stream.
The DC580 can be purchased to include one or both of
these probes. These probes are also available for purchase sepa-
rately. Please see page 36 for information on kits and probes.
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