Troubleshooting ‘Service Status’
If the WAN-side routers (provided by your ISP) you are connecting to the Sharedband
routers don't operate DHCP, you will need to set a static IP on each Sharedband router to
enable communication. The following guidance explains how to achieve this:
a) Connect a computer to the affected Sharedband router
b) Open a web browser and visit the IP address of the router
c) Sign in to the router when prompted
d) In the menu select ‘Settings’
e) Select ’WAN connection setup (Ethernet)’ to access the ‘IP Addressing’ panel as shown
f) In the ’IP Addressing Mode’ drop down, select ‘Static IP’
g) Input the appropriate IP address into the ‘IP Address’ field. An appropriate address is one
that is unique, in the same subnet as your WAN-side router and not in the 192.168.3.X
subnet. For example, if the WAN-side router’s IP address is an appropriate IP
address to input for the Sharedband router would be 192.168.1.X (where X is any number
between 2 and 254). If you need assistance in determining the WAN-side router’s IP
address, please refer to any supplied documentation or contact its supplier or
h) Ensure that the ‘Subnet Mask’ is set to
i) Input the IP address of the WAN-side router into the ‘Default Gateway’ field
j) Input the IP address of the WAN-side router or an alternative destination of your choice
into the ‘DNS Server’ field
k) Click the ’Save and reboot’ button at the bottom of the page
l) Once the Sharedband router has restarted, repeat steps 8-11 (on page 3) to verify
successful setup
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TP-Link TL-WDR3600