Step 2: Procedure for linking / pairing the wall switch to remote handset
1. Press and release
button on the wall switch once (Figure 17).
2. You will hear 3 beeps from the wall switch.
3. Press and release the
button (Figure 18) on the remote handset (within 60 sec.)
4. The wall switch will beep 3 times.
5. The remote handset is now linked/paired to the wall switch and is ready to activate the fireplace.
Step 3: Optional procedure for linking / pairing a Blue Tooth enabled apple mobile device to the
fireplace (iOS only).
1. Download the “TC Fire” app from the Apple
App Store.
2. From your device, open the app and go to “Add /Edit Fireplace”.
3. Press the “Add” button
Find the PIN number located on a sticker on the wall switch (Figure 20).
4. Enter the PIN number and a user defined description of the fireplace (Figure 21).
5. Press the “Save” button.
6. The fireplace is added to the main screen and iOS device is ready to use the app (Figure 22).
Figure 18: Remote handset.