2. Stack two or three paper towels over each other and
cut them into small squares. Have the paper towel squares
and denatured alcohol ready for epoxy clean up while joining
the wing in the next few steps.
3. Mix approximately 1-1/2 to 2 oz. of 30-minute epoxy.
Working quickly, pour some epoxy into the spar cavities in
both wings and distribute with a wire or small dowel. Coat
one end of the joiner and insert it into one of the wing halves.
Coat the protruding end of the joiner and both ends of both
wing halves. Insert the nylon alignment pin and join the wing
half, removing excess epoxy as it squeezes out.
4. Use plenty of masking tape to tightly clamp the wing
halves together and use a small clamp to clamp the front
of the wing together at the leading edge tab. Use the paper
towel squares dampened with denatured alcohol to wipe
away excess epoxy as you proceed. Allow the epoxy to fully
harden before removing the clamps and tape.
5. Residual tape adhesive may be cleaned with naptha
(lighter fl uid). Areas of the covering that may have lifted
from removing the tape should be retightened with your
covering iron.
1. If you haven’t yet done so, use a covering iron with a
cover sock to tighten the covering over the fuselage and
horizontal and vertical stabilizer.