4. Temporarily mount the elevator servo, then remove
it (it’s easier to drill the holes for the elevator servo now,
before the stab has been glued in).
5. Mount the wings to the fuselage. Slide the horizontal
stabilizer into position. View the model from the rear to see
if the stab is parallel with the wing.
6. If necessary, remove the stab and carefully sand the
stab saddle where necessary to align the stab with the wing.
7. Now that the stab is level with the wing, center the
stab laterally by using a ruler to
the distance from
both ends of the stab to the fuselage.
8. Once centered, stick T-pins into the trailing edge of
the stab on both sides of the fuselage to lock the trailing
edge into place.
9. Tie a loop around one end of an approximately 48"
[1200mm] non-elastic line. Fold a piece of masking tape
over the other end of the line. Mark a line on the tape.