Hinge the Elevators and Rudder
1. Once more, test-fi t the elevators to the stab with the joiner
wire and hinges to make certain all the hinges and the joiner
wire go in and everything fi ts together well.
2. Apply 30-minute epoxy into the groove and in the holes
for the joiner wire in the elevators. Wipe away excess epoxy.
3. Apply epoxy to the joiner wire. Then, fi t the elevators
to the stab and joiner wire with the hinges – use the T-pins if
necessary to keep the hinges centered.
4. Use a thin, metal ruler or similar tool to push the joiner
wire all the way into the elevators.
5. Permanently glue in the hinges with four or fi ve drops
of thin CA on the top and bottom of all the hinges – allow
a few seconds between drops for the CA to fully wick into
the hinges.
6. Retrieve the 50mm threaded rod, two wood washers,
two M2 washers, two M2 nuts, and two torque rod horns for
the rudder torque rod.
7. Cut a small circle of covering from both sides of the
rudder around the hole for the torque rod.