Error Codes —
If an error is present, the thermostat will
display an error code. See Table 5.
Smart Recovery (Heating Mode Only) —
The th-
ermostat has 2 programmed schedule modes, Normal Occu-
pied mode and Setback mode (a time when the space is unoc-
cupied). The Smart Recovery function begins 1.5 hours before
the scheduled Occupied mode and gradually adjusts room tem-
perature so the temperature is at the Occupied mode set point
when the occupied time period begins.
The Smart Recovery Function operates any time the next
programmed heating set point is more than 2 degrees above
the current heating set point.
Smart Recovery will not occur if Hold is active. Smart Re-
covery will also be cancelled if the heating set point or time of
day are changed.
For Troubleshooting and Error Code information, refer to
Table 5.
Table 5 — Error Codes and Troubleshooting
OTE: Unoccupied Override may be entered by shorting the remote room sensor for 3 to 10 seconds.
“--” on temperature display
Temperature sensor reading out of range. Check sensor for damage. If recessing
power does not clear display, thermostat should be replaced.
“E2” on temperature display
Brownout condition or too low of voltage to thermostat. Double check wiring and
check for 24 vac between R and C. E2 will clear 15 seconds after proper voltage is
“E3” on temperature display
Outdoor temperature reading out of range and needed for Option No. 8. Check out-
door temperature sensor and its wiring.
“Clean Filter” on temperature display
After the selected number of hours of blower operation, the CLEAN FILTER indica-
tor will display. This is to remind the homeowner to check the filter. Press the Reset
Filter button to clear display and reset timer to 0.
Cooling will not come on
Select COOL mode. Decrease the cooling setpoint to 10 degrees below room tem-
perature. Simultaneously press the Up Arrow and Fan buttons together (increase
temperature). Check for 24 vac at Y/Y2 terminal. If present, the thermostat is OK
and the problem is with equipment or wiring. If not present, replace the thermostat.
Heating will not come on
Select HEAT mode. Increase the heating setpoint to 10 degrees above room tem-
perature. Simultaneously press the Up Arrow and Fan buttons together (increase
temperature). Check for 24 vac at Y/Y2 (with HP) or W/W1 (with AC) terminal. If
present, the thermostat is OK and the problem is with equipment or wiring. If not
present, replace the thermostat.