01) — The anticipator adjustment selection controls the sensi-
tivity and cycle rate of the thermostat. Higher numbers
decrease the sensitivity and slow the cycle rate (longer cycle
times). Lower numbers increase sensitivity and speed up the
cycle rate (shorter cycle times). However, a limiting feature
will not allow more than 4 cycles per hr, regardless of setting.
Values can range from 1 to 9. The default is 3. The default
selection will provide optimum performance in nearly all
installations. Do not change the setting unless there is a need to
do so.
Unlike conventional thermostat anticipators, the setting is
not determined by current draw. There is no need to measure,
know, or compensate for the current. There is no need
to “droop” with this thermostat, regardless of the anticipator
The clean filter selection determines how many hours of fan
operation will pass before the CLEAN FILTER indicator is dis-
played. A timer in the thermostat accumulates the total fan op-
eration hours. The range of values is 400 to 3600 hours (in 400-
hour increments).
• a “1” will be displayed for 400 hours of operation
• a “2” will be displayed for 800 hours of operation
• a “3” will be displayed for 1200 hours of operation
• a “4” will be displayed for 1600 hours of operation
• a “5” will be displayed for 2000 hours of operation
• a “6” will be displayed for 2400 hours of operation
• a “7” will be displayed for 2800 hours of operation
• a “8” will be displayed for 3200 hours of operation
• a “9” will be displayed for 3600 hours of operation
The selection can also be set to OF (disabled). The default is
2 (800 hours).
03) — The thermostat can be set to use a Celsius or Fahren-
heit temperature display. This option toggles between F (Fahr-
enheit) and C (Celsius). The default value is F.
No. 04) — The thermostat can be set to turn the fan (G output)
on or off when the heat input (terminal W) is energized. This
option toggles between OF (fan off during heating) and On
(fan on during heating). Most fan coils manage their own
blowers and do not require a separate G signal. For these appli-
cations, select OF (off). Some auxiliary heaters require a sepa-
rate G signal to turn on the blower. In this case, select On. The
default value is OF. The W relay option only cycles the fan
when the fan is in the Auto Mode and this option is configured
to On.
ADJUSTMENT (Option No. 08) — This option is present in
heat pumps and 2-speed models only when configured as heat
pumps. An outdoor temperature sensor must be attached. This
option allows selection of an outdoor temperature of 5 to 55 F
in 5 degree steps (or equivalent values in C) or OF (off). Auxil-
iary heat is prevented from operating for outdoor temperatures
above the selected temperature. If OF (off) is selected, auxilia-
ry heat is allowed at all outdoor temperatures. If selected,
Emergency Heat mode (E HEAT) overrides this feature. Facto-
ry default is OF.
No. 13) — The room temperature offset adjustment is an offset
which is added or subtracted from the local temperature sensor
reading. The range of acceptable values is –5 to +5 degrees.
The default is 0 degrees (no offset).
To determine if an offset is required, compare the tempera-
ture reading on the thermostat to an accurate thermometer.
Adjust the offset (+ or –) until the thermostat temperature
matches room temperature.
ENABLE AUTO MODE (Option No. 15) — The enable au-
to mode selection allows the installer to enable or disable
AUTO mode (automatic changeover between heat and cool).
When disabled, AUTO indicator does not appear when succes-
sive presses of the Mode button are used to move between
OFF, HEAT, COOL, and E HEAT (in heat pump systems).
Factory default is ON (AUTO enabled).
Step 6 — Check Thermostat Operation —
form the following procedure to check thermostat operation:
1. Press the Hold button. This will prevent the set point
from changing until the desired time and temperature
schedule is entered.
2. Press the Fan button. The FAN ON indicator and the G
output will go on within a few seconds, causing the fan
to operate. The fan should run continuously. Check fan
operation. Pressing the Fan button again will turn off
the G output and turn On the fan AUTO indicator.
3. Press the Mode button repeatedly until HEAT is dis-
played in the mode indictor. Press the Set Time/Temp
button until the heat set point (lower right 2 digit dis-
play with HEAT now flashing under it) is flashing.
Press the Up Arrow button until the set point reads
10 degrees above room temperature. The heating sys-
tem should begin to operate within 5 minutes.
4. Press the Mode button repeatedly until HEAT is dis-
played in the mode indictor. Press the Set Time/Temp
button until the heat set point (lower right 2 digit dis-
play with HEAT now flashing under it) is flashing.
Press the Up Arrow button until the set point reads 2 or
3 degrees (not more) above room temperature. This
will create a Heat Stage 1 demand. A small triangle to
the left of this HEAT indicator will flash or come on
continually. Flashing means the equipment is going to
turn on but is presently being held off by a system
timer. See base unit operational information for timer
descriptions. Defeat timer by pressing the Up Arrow
and Fan buttons together (increase temperature). This
will make the triangle stay on and turn on Heat
Stage 1. For actual outputs, refer to Table 4, making
sure the correct row from the table is selected. To turn
off, reduce heating set point below room temperature.
The heating and the triangle will turn off within a few
If the system has multiple heat stages, it will start on
Heat Stage 1 and proceed to Heat Stage 2 in 15 min-
utes due to a staging timer which requires 15 minutes
between successive stages. The Up Arrow and Fan
buttons together (increase temperature) cannot be used
to defeat this timer. If set point is raised more than
5 degrees above room temperature, the staging timer is
defeated and the thermostat will call for higher stages
within 5 seconds. Use this method if there are only
2 stages of heat. If more than 2 stages of heat are avail-
able, do not use this method because once the demand
exceeds 5 degrees, the thermostat may jump to the
highest stage. With more than 2 stages available, let
the timer advance one stage every 15 minutes.
5. Press the Mode button repeatedly until HEAT is dis-
played in the mode indictor. Press the Set Time/Temp
button until the cool set point (upper right 2 digit dis-
play with COOL now flashing under it) is flashing.
Press the Up Arrow button until the set point reads 2 or
3 degrees (not more) below room temperature. This
will create a cooling demand. A small triangle to the
left of this COOL indicator will flash or come on con-
tinually. Flashing means the equipment is going to turn
on but is presently being held off by a system timer.
See base unit operational information for timer
descriptions. Defeat the timer by pressing the Up