Pressing the Remote Sensor
field in the “System Settings
Screen” will invoke the
“Remote Sensor Screen” which
enables the remote sensor
connection to be used for the
indoor temperature, the
outdoor temperature, or not to
be used.
This functionality determines whether the Remote Sensor
hardware input (JP102) is not used (NONE), is used for the
outdoor temperature sensing (OUTDOOR) or used for the indoor
room temperature sensing (INDOOR). If the Remote Sensor is
set to NONE or INDOOR, the outdoor temperature will be
acquired via Wi-Fi through the server (based on the geolocation
of the phone/tablet used to connect the thermostat to a router or
based on the ISP location if a PC is used to connect the
thermostat to a router). The outdoor temperature will not be
available if the thermostat is not connected to Wi-Fi and the
OUTDOOR option is not selected for the Remote Sensor. Note: A
pigtail to wire the remote sensor is included in the package.