Here is a Windows script to rename all cover files in the single way Folder.jpg, to help you to have
only the right name for the album covers.
So for example folder.jpg will be renamed Folder.jpg. All Folder.jpg files will also be un-hidden.
To use the script, copy-paste these 6 lines in a .txt file (using notepad), then rename the file
Copy this file in your music root directly and double click on it. It will take some time to scan all
Note: this works under Windws for a direct access to hard disk (internal disk or USB disk) but not via a
NAS. Afterwards you can copy the library to a NAS.
@echo off
for /d /r %%x in (*) do pushd %%x & attrib -s -h folder.jpg & ren folder.jpg Folder.jpg & popd
for /d /r %%x in (*) do pushd %%x & attrib -s -h FOLDER.jpg & ren FOLDER.jpg Folder.jpg & popd
for /d /r %%x in (*) do pushd %%x & attrib -s -h FOLDER.JPG & ren FOLDER.JPG Folder.jpg & popd
for /d /r %%x in (*) do pushd %%x & attrib -s -h folder.JPG & ren folder.JPG Folder.jpg & popd
for /d /r %%x in (*) do pushd %%x & attrib -s -h Folder.JPG & ren Folder.JPG Folder.jpg & popd
To rename all cover files (folder.jpg, FOLDER.JPG ...) to “Folder.jpg” from a Windows computer to a
music library stored in a NAS you can also use the free software “
Ant Renamer