1. Basic
Operation flow and applicable data, etc.
4. AUTO operation
Selection of operation mode
As shown in the following figure, the operation starts by
selecting automatically the status of room temperature
(Ta) when starting AUTO operation.
*1. When reselecting the operation mode, the fan
speed is controlled by the previous operation mode.
1) Detects the room temperature (Ta) when
the operation started.
2) Selects an operation mode from Ta in
the left figure.
3) Fan operation continues until an
operation mode is selected.
4) When AUTO operation has started
within 2 hours after heating operation
stopped and if the room temperature is
20°C or more, the fan operation is
performed with ”Super Ultra LOW” mode
for 3 minutes.
Then, select an operation mode.
5) In AUTO mode, either cooling or heating
operation will be selected. When room
temperature reach set temperature
commpressor will stop. In case that the
compressor stops for 15 minutes, the
Ts + 1
Ts – 1
Cooling operation
Monitoring (Fan)
Heating operation
AUTO mode will reselect cooling or
heating operation.
5. DRY operation
DRY operation is performed according to the difference
between room temperature and the setup temperature
as shown below.
In DRY operation, fan speed is controlled in order to
prevent lowering of the room temperature and to avoid
air flow from blowing directly to persons.
1) Detects the room temperature (Ta) when
the DRY operation started.
2) Starts operation under conditions in the
left figure according to the temperature
difference between the room tempera-
ture and the setup temperature (Tsc).
Setup temperature (Tsc)
= Set temperature on remote controller
(Ts) + (0.0 to 1.0)
3) When the room temperature is lower
1°C or less than the setup temperature,
turn off the compressor.
Fan speed
L– (W5)
(W5+W3) / 2
SUL (W3)
FILE NO. SVM-12072