Chapter 11. Plugins
“Puzzles” is a port of Simon Tatham’s Portable Puzzle Collection. For documenta-
tion on the games included, please visit (
11.1.24. Reversi
This is a simple implementation of the Reversi game. The objective of the game is to
have a majority of own coloured pieces showing at the end of the game. The game rules
can be found in the internet.
You can choose to play manually (you place both the white and dark pieces) or to
play against a (not very smart) robot.
11.1.25. Robotfindskitten
Figure 11.22.: Robotfindskitten
In this game, you are robot (#). Your job is to find kitten. This task is complicated
by the existence of various things which are not kitten. Robot must touch items to
determine if they are kitten or not. The game ends when robotfindskitten.
The Rockbox manual
(version 3.14)
Toshiba Gigabeat F and X Series