Use an independent ground.
If connection pipe is conductive
: - Connect between the grounding terminal and both
ends of the mating flanges 10 AWG copper wire.
If connection pipe is non-conductive
:- Use 10 AWG copper wire to ground the
terminal to a good earth ground.
If using the 4-20 Ma. Signal, ground the shield on the receiving end of the cable
onlyto prevent a ground loop.
If it is difficult to ground detector at site (e.g. pit installation), ground the detector by
connecting the E terminal of the detector to the E terminal of the converter using a 3-
core cable. (The E terminal of the converter is connected internally to the FG terminal
and the converter case).
If the pipeline is not of conductive material, GROUNDING RINGS MUST BE
If converter is being installed outdoors or in an area where it might be affected by
lightening, ground the meter tube to the nearest ground rod and be sure to ground
GND and FG of the converter.
Note: Read the instruction manual carefully before installation and operation of meter.