5.375 x 8.375 ver 2.1.2
Lesson 13: Using System Restore ....................... 141
Lesson 14: If I am lost, what do I do? ................. 142
XP Help and Support .................... 142
XP tour......................... 145
Lesson 15: Turning off your computer................. 146
Chapter 6: Exploring Your Options.......................... 147
XP special features ............................. 147
Personalizing your desktop.................................. 148
Customizing the taskbar ................................ 148
Changing desktop and browsing style ........... 149
Personalizing individual windows .................. 150
Customizing window toolbars........................ 151
Displaying information about each folder....... 152
Using your computer at the office........................ 154
Setting up for communications...................... 154
Connecting the modem to a telephone line .... 156
Connecting your computer to a network ....... 156
Setting up a wireless connection ................... 157
Accessing the wireless modules using your
system tray .............................................. 157
Setting up a direct cable connection .............. 157
An overview of using the Internet ........................ 158
The Internet ................................................... 158
The World Wide Web ..................................... 158
Internet Service Providers.............................. 159
Connecting to the Internet ............................. 159
Surfing the Internet........................................ 160
Internet features............................................. 160
Uploading and downloading files