Bef or e Ope r a t ing
Ca u ti o n : Im p r o p er u se ma y r e su lt
in lo ss o f fin g e r , h a n d s, o r fe e t.
Re a d a nd unders
t a n d t he cont e n t s o f t hi s
manual b
e fo r e oper atin g t h e sn o w t hr o w e r .
Becom e fa m iliar wi t h a ll co n t r o ls a n d kno w
ho w t o st o p t h e e ng ine q ui ck ly.
Th e r e is a h ig h -sp e e d
im p e lle r clo se t o t h e
o p e n in g .
Th e lo w -sp e e d a ug e r h a s a m o vin g p in ch
po in t clo se t o t h e o pe n in g .
Oper at o r ’s
P o sit ion
This snowthrower meets or exceeds the ISO standard
8437 in effect at the time of production.
Read and understand the contents of this manual
before the engine is ever started.
This is the safety alert symbol. It is used to alert you
to potential personal injury hazards. Obey all safety
messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible
injury or death.
Improperly using or maintaining this snowthrower
could result in injury or death. To reduce this potential,
comply with the following safety instructions.
The following instructions have been adapted from the
ANSI/OPEI standard B71.3-1995 and the ISO 8437:1989
Read the operator’s manual carefully. Be thoroughly
familiar with the controls and the proper use of the
equipment. Know how to stop the unit and disengage
the controls quickly.
Never allow children to operate the snowthrower.
Never allow adults to operate the snowthrower without
proper instruction.
Keep the area of operation clear of all persons
(particularly small children) and pets.
Exercise caution to avoid slipping or falling, especially
when operating the snowthrower in reverse.
Thoroughly inspect the area where you will use the
snowthrower. Remove all doormats, sleds, boards,
wires, and other foreign objects.
Before starting the engine, disengage all clutches. Shift
the snowthrower into neutral as well, if applicable.
Do not operate the snowthrower without wearing
adequate winter garments. Wear footwear that will
improve your footing on slippery surfaces.
Handle fuel with care; it is highly flammable.
Use an approved fuel container.
Never add fuel to a running or hot engine.
Fill the fuel tank outdoors with extreme care. Never
fill the fuel tank indoors.
Replace the fuel tank cap securely and wipe up any
spilled fuel.
Use only the power cord supplied with the snowthrower
and a receptacle appropriate for use with the power
cord for electric-start motors.