System Configuration
The configurations of the OSMAC Base Station can easily be modified to suit the user’s requirements. The system con-
figuration mode can be accessed by holding the “1” key during power up. It can also be accessed by simultaneously
pressing the “CTRL” and “MENU” key from an external keyboard such as the central computer. The base station will
respond with the password prompt. The password for the Configuration Mode is 1590. The system configuration menu is
shown on page 4 as a guide to locate the parameters to be configured.
Use the arrow keys to cycle through the configuration menu. To select from the menu, enter the number designated to
that option. To change any of the parameters, simply scroll or enter the number designated to the desired option. In the
case where numerical value needs to be entered, use the keypad to enter digits. Press “F1” to confirm and accept the
selection. Press the “–” key to exit from the sub-menus and return to the upper level menus. To exit the configuration
mode, press the “–” key until the “Pager No=” prompt is shown. New configuration(s) and/or value(s) are not permanent-
ly stored until the Configuration Mode is properly exited using the “–” key. If the unit is turned off, or power is lost before
the “–” key is entered, changes to the configuration will not be saved.
Serial Port Setup
Each of the two serial ports may be configured independently. The serial ports are located at the rear of the unit and are
labeled PORT 1 and PORT 2. To access from the main System Configuration menu, enter “1” for Port 1 or “2” for Port 2.
Port settings for SitePro and TouchNet interface:
Serial Data Bits = 7 data bits
Serial Port Rate = 9600 Baud
Serial Stop Bits = 1 stop bit
Serial Parity = Even parity
Flow Control = No flow control
Protocol = TAP
TAP Timeout = 0
Speaker Enable
The speaker is in mute mode, with the exception of Diagnostics Mode, if speaker is disabled. This option can be used
when the OSMAC Base Station is located where speaker sounds are not desirable. To access from the main System
Configuration menu, enter “3” for Mode Selection, then enter “1” for the Speaker Enable selection.
Busy Channel Lockout
If this mode is enabled, the OSMAC Base Station will not transmit while the channel is busy. This may be desirable to
avoid interfering with other users on the same channel. This mode can be disabled when other activities on the channel
prohibits base station transmission in a timely manner. To access from the main System Configuration menu, enter “3”
for Mode Selection, then enter “2” for the Busy Channel Lockout selection.
Remote Paging
If this mode is enabled, remote users can operate the OSMAC Base Station using a telephone. A phone line must be
connected to the base station to use this option. To access from the main System Configuration menu, enter “3” for
Mode Selection, then enter “3” for the Remote Paging selection.
Call Forwarding
If this mode is enabled, remote users are able use a two-way-radio make a telephone call from the base station. A
phone line must be connected to the base station to use this option. To access from the main System Configuration
menu, enter “3” for Mode Selection, then enter “4” for the Call Forwarding selection.
Autopatch Timer
The autopatch timer establishes the length of time that the OSMAC Base Station awaits before terminating the
autopatch session automatically. This is needed in case the two-way-radio user's batteries fails or the user is out of
range. To access from the main System Configuration menu, enter “3” for Mode Selection, then enter “5” for the Auto
Timer selection.
Enter the number of minutes that the autopatch may be operated before the disconnect warning tones are sent. Use the
“DEL” key to correct invalid entries. Press the “–” key to exit the menu. Setting the Autopatch Timer to a value of “0” will
disable the autopatch operation.
Voice Prompts
This mode allows the user to select whether audible tones or voice prompts are used to confirm radio and phone opera-
tions with the OSMAC Base Station. To access from the main System Configuration menu, enter “3” for mode selection,
then enter “2” for Busy Channel Lockout. To access from the main System Configuration menu, enter “3” for Mode
Selection, then enter “6” for the Voice Prompt selection.
RELEASED Version ©Toro 2006-2006