Medieval Blasta User Manual V4 0722
In all cases guidance should be obtained from the chemical manufacturer and
their instructions followed carefully. Undiluted chemicals may cause harm to
people and the Aqua Blasta. It is vital to train all relevant personnel in the correct
use of any chemical.
The biocide needs to be diluted and administered according to the manufacturers
instructions. You should keep records of temperature checks and biocide use.
1.04 Your obligations under law
To comply with general health and safety law you must consider the risks from
Legionella that may affect your staff or members of the public and take suitable
precautions. You must :
Identify and assess the sources of risk
Prepare a scheme or course of action for preventing or controlling the risk
Implement and manage the scheme and appoint a person to be responsible
for the scheme
Keep records and check that what has been done is effective
If you have five or more employees you must keep records in writing of the
findings of any assessment and details of any monitoring, checking or
treatment carried out.
©Tornado International Ltd. 2022