1. Starting on the drivers side, locate your rear most cab mount and Zip Tie your
emergency brake lines together. This will help keep them out of your way during
installation. (Pic. 1.1)
2. Slide the 3-hole support plate behind the cab mount bracket, be sure the circular
hole is facing rearward on the truck, the notched part of the strap must face down.
(Pic. 2.1)
3. Place the support plate on top of the frame and lined up behind the cab mount
bracket, install one 1/2”-13 x 1-1/2” bolt with a 1/2” star washer through the sup-
port strap from behind into the cab mount bracket, and 1/2” flat washer, 1/2” lock
washer, 1/2”-13 nut on the front (Pic. 3.1 & 3.2). Hand tighten.
4. Slightly raise the end of the support strap that has the circular hole and install
one 1/2”-13 x 1-1/2” bolt through that hole with 1/2” star washer, on the back-
side and leave the bolt loose without a nut. (Pic. 4.1). Install one 1/2”-13 x 1 1/2”
through the middle hole in the support plate, use 1/2”-13 serrated nut on the cab
mount side (Pic. 4.2). Hand tighten.
5. Place the tie down between the frame and E-brake cables (Pic. 5.1) Cables
should now run through the notch in the frame plate. Position tie down to accept
the loose 1/2”-13 x 1-1/2” bolt, slide bolt through the tie down and put a 1/2” flat
washer, 1/2” lock washer, 1/2”-13 nut on the front side (Pic 5.2). Hand tighten.
6. Position the tie down so that the hole in the bent flange of the frame plate lines
up with the hole the E-brake cables run through. On the cab mount frame bracket,
install one 1-1/2”x1/2” bolt with one 1” x 2” plate washer, one 1/2”-13 serrated
nut (Pic. 6.1). Hand tighten.
2 -
2 -Adjustable Lower Support Bracket 1 -Zip Tie
2 -3-Hole Support Plate
12 -1/2”-13 x 1-1/2” Hex Bolts GR. 5
2 -1” x 2” Plate Washers
8 -1/2” Flat Washers GR. 5
4 -1/2” Lock Washers GR. 5
2 -1/4” Pins
12 -1/2” Star washer GR. 5
8 -1/2”-13 Serrated Nut GR. 5
4 -1/2”-13 Nuts GR. 5