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It must be noticed that the cutting platform shall be checked first to see if there is any
other material stacked or turned cutting scrap before the machine is moved. The
machine may be moved only after all such foreign objects are cleared, thus preventing
the cutting torch from hitting obstructions to result in bending of cutting torch or
damage of other parts. Before leaving the factory, each cutting torch goes thorough
backfire safety inspection. If dirty or damaged cutting nozzle is installed to cut, the
safety will not be guaranteed. Under this circumstance, the condition that the flame
returns to the cutting torch may come into being. The phenomenon is described as
follows: the flame disappears suddenly, and sharp wheezing or hiss will be sent from
the cutting torch head. If this condition appears, the gas valve shall be closed
immediately and then the heating oxygen and cutting oxygen valve shall be closed.
Also, specific personnel will be invited to check the problem. Ignition can be carried
out again after the cause of backfill is found out. Before ignition, the soot in the
pipeline and cutting torch shall be blown away.
7. Shutdown of Cutting Torch
When a work procedure is completed and it is required to close the cutting torch, it
must be closed according to the following sequence: cutting oxygen solenoid valve,
gas two-way valve and preheating oxygen two-way valve. Lift the cutting torch and
then move the machine to enter the next cutting procedure. After completion of each
shift, the machine shall be moved to the middle of the guide rail and then the general
gas source and power supply shall be closed.
8. Operation Procedures of CNC Cutting Machine
(Before going to operate the machine)
1) Check each gas pipe and valve. Leakage is not allowed. Check if the gas safety
device is effective.
2) Check if the inlet pressure of gases provided meets the stipulated requirement.
3) Check if the supply voltage provided meets the stipulated requirement.
(During operation)
1) Adjust the steel plate cut and make it parallel with the track as much as possible.