1:6 Pull the mast up using the forestay. To make it easier,
someone else can lift the top of the mast.
1:7 Having pulled the mast upright, secure the forestay
around the stainless steel chute mouth bar. Ensure all halyards
are clear and not twisted.
1:1 Position the boat head to wind, away from power lines
and other overhead obstructions.
1:2 Lay the mast along the centre of the boat, having fitted
the spreaders as per the Seldon/ Superspars instruction sheet.
1:3 Untape all lines from the base of the mast.
1:4 Attach the shroud adjusters to the shroud eyes each side,
on approximately the 5th hole down on the stern side.
1:5 Fix the base of the mast to the mast step on the cross
beam with the pin and ring from the mast step.
Rigging Instructions - RAISING THE MAST