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Remove battery cover
Place both batteries onto the battery pan and secure them
Join the battery terminals with the receptacle from the controller box
Join all cables with the same labeling, except the wire for turning lights
Lift up the rear shroud and connect the wire for the turning lights
Pull seat swivel lever
Put the seat on the top of the seat post and lock the seat in position by
releasing the lever
Adjust the height of the seat with the bolt under the seat.
Battery Pan
Insert the power key into the key switch and switch on
Check the battery charge indicator to make sure the batteries are fully
Make sure that clutch lever is at close position
Set the speed limit by turning the dial knob on the top of the console. Set Hi/
Lo switch to Lo position
Test the scooter by moving forward, stop, and backward a couple of times to
make sure that your scooter is in proper working condition.
10-battery capacity
3-speed adjust knob
9-Status indicator
1-key switch
8-charger socket
2- potentiometer lever
4-front light switch
6- blinker switch
7-H/L switch