This document is copyrighted by Shenzhen Topflytech Communication Technology Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
Any unauthorized copy or transmission of the document wholly or partially shall be held liable.
11.3 Upload Interval Setting
Current PIN
Upload Time(ACC on)
Upload Time(ACC off)
Angle Compensation
Distance Compensation
Upload Time (ACC on):
Range: Positive Integer
Range Limit: 0 ~ 65535
Default: 30
Upload Time (ACC off):
Range: Positive Integer
Range Limit: 0 ~ 65535
Default: 600
Angle Compensation:
Range: Positive Integer
Range Limit: 0 ~ 90 degree
Default: 45 degree
Distance Compensation:
Range: Positive Integer
Range Limit: 0 ~ 65535 meters
Default: 2000 meters
Upon receipt of command set, device will return message SET TIMER OK.
11.4 Heartbeat Setting
Current PIN
Heartbeat Interval
Heartbeat Interval:
Range: Positive Integer
Range Limit: 0 ~ 255 minutes
Default: 5 minutes
Upon receipt of command set, device will return message SET HBT OK.
11.5 GMT Setting
Current PIN
Time Zone
Time Zone:
Range: Floating point
Range Limit: -12.0 ~ 12.0
Default: 8.0
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