Usage guide
Polarized crosshair test
Reticle heterophobia
test with a fixation target
Coincidence test
Coincidence test
Stereo test
A, B, C, F, H type
A, B, C, F, H type
A, C, F type
A, B, C, F, H type
A, F, H type
Polarizing filters
Polarizing filters
Polarizing filters
Polarizing filters
Polarizing filters
Test of the accommoda-
tion balance and hetero-
Heterephobia which can
not be examined by the
reticle testing is tested.
Test of aniseikonia and ver-
tical heterephobia which
can not be examined by
polarized crosshair test.
Test of aniseikonia and ver-
tical heterephobia which
can not be examined by
polarized crosshair test.
Test the presence of ste-
Left eye hyperphoria
Left eye hypophoria
If either line is seen thin-
ner, the eye in question is
The right eye has an infix-
ation disparity.
Indicates that the right
eye has an infrafixation
Indicates that the right
eye has an suprafixation
Left eye hypophoria
If either is clearly visible,
there is observed sup-
pression with the periph-
ery of the retina in
Aniseikonia of about 7%
(equivalent to two lines)
A single line indicates
about 3.5%.
Vertical heterophoria
If either line is seen thin-
ner, the eye in question is
Aniseikonia of about 7%
(equivalent to two lines)
A single line indicates
about 3.5%.
Vertical heterophoria
If either line is seen thin-
ner, the eye in question is
Two lines are seen in
fusion to form a single line
image and floated or sunk
against the central circle.
The binoculra parallaxes
is about 13 minutes and
the lower line is seen
floating about 1.1m (when
seen at a distance of 5m
with a PD of 64mm)
If the axis of the polarizing
filter is reversed at the
same time for both eyes
and seen sunk about
2.1m, it is normal.
If the images are slowly
fused, there is still cor-
rectable heterophoria.
Verify with another het-
erophoria test. If it takes
some time until the image
appears to float, the
patient may have an exo-
If it takes some time until
the image sinks, the
patient may have an eso-