TOPAZ™ CMS Media Player – Hardware User Manual
Quick Setup Guide
This section of the guide is to allow fast set up and use of the unit. Please refer to the main part of
the User Guide for full information on use of the unit.
Please follow the steps detailed below:
Unpack unit and place in desired location, along with your display.
Take out the Wi-Fi antenna from the accessories bag and screw in (for Wi-Fi connectivity).
Plug in the LAN cable that is connected to your router or your integral network (for LAN
connectivity). Please see section 1.5.2 Network Settings for instructions on how to switch your
player from “WiFi” mode to “LAN” mode.
Take the power lead from the accessories bag, insert the lead into the unit and connect to mains
outlet. Make sure that the “POWER” slider is pushed to the left; the unit will now power ON.
Connect the unit to the display via the HDMI lead included and power ON the screen.
You may need to change the screen input source to HDMI – please refer to your screen user
manual for details of how to do this.
You will now be greeted by some pre-loaded default content (for Wi-Fi connectivity please see
section 1.5.2 Network Settings).
You can now begin updating your player (for rapid first-time update, please see the Quick Start