Arp/Step+- :
Applies the arp's velocity steps as modulation source using both positive and
negative values
Key up :
Applies a On/Off Gate modulation; i.e, on key press its value is 1, on release it's 0
Key down :
Applies a Off/On Gate modulation; i.e, on key press its value is 0, on release its 1
VoiceOut :
Applies the amount of active Voices value to modulate
Applies a constant value to modulate, the amount is set by the value slider
Random :
A random value will be used to modulate
Flipflop :
An on/off value will be used as modulation source; could for example be used to pan
from left to right on keypress
WhiteNoise :
Uses white noise as modulation source
PinkNoise :
Uses pink noise as modulation source
Impulse :
A short impulse is used as modulation source; could for example be applied to sharpen
the attack portion of a sound
Decay4ms > Decay16s :
Decay will use an internal envelope to modulate, options are envelopes
that run from 4 milliseconds to 16 seconds.
X*X :
Uses the X multiplied by X value modifier as modulation source
Sqrt (X) :
Uses Squareroot X value modifier as modulation source
Filter (X) :
Uses the filter X value modifier as modulation source
Limit (X) :
Uses the Limit X value modifier as modulation source
Key :
Uses the played note value as modulation source
V :
Uses the postive Velocity values to modulate
V- :
Uses both the positive and negative Velocity values to modulate
Modwheel :
Uses the Modulation Wheel as modulation source
Pitchwheel :
Uses the Pitch Wheel as modulation source to modulate
Aftertouch :
Uses the keyboard's incoming aftertouch values to modulate
Breath :
Responds to breath controller (CC#2) as modulation source
Foot :
Responds to Foot switch controller as modulation source
MainVol :
Responds to Main Volume controller (CC#7) as modulation source
Express :
Responds to Expression controller (CC#11) as modulation source