1. Installation and Getting Started
1.1. Introduction
This manual explains how to install and use the software developer’s kit (SDK) of TomTom Navigator.
The SDK offers access to functions to add your own points of interest, and to send commands to TomTom
Navigator through a dynamic link library in C++ or an ActiveX control in Visual Basic.
1.2. System requirements
To use the SDK, TomTom Navigator version 1.5 or higher should be installed on a PDA with Microsoft
Windows CE 3.0 or higher (Pocket PC or Pocket PC 2002). Please check the read−me file for version
compatibility issues.
The PC that is used for system development should have Microsoft Windows NT, Windows 2000 or
Windows XP, and Microsoft ActiveSync 3.1 or higher installed. A relationship between the PDA and the
PC should have been established. In addition to the requirements for TomTom Navigator, the SDK further
requires Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools version 3.0 or higher, that is, eMbedded Visual C++ 3.0 or
eMbedded Visual Basic 3.0.
1.3. Installation
1.3.1. ActiveX and DLL components
The ActiveX component and DLL are required to make function calls from C++ or Visual Basic. The
\Sdk\TTNCom\install\ contains SETUP.EXE, which will install the DLL and ActiveX components on your
1.3.2. Installing the Visual Basic−specific parts
The SETUP.EXE program will install the components required for your Pocket PC, but for
development, you need to install additional components on your desktop computer. See the section
"Desktop Computer" below. If you are upgrading from a previous version of the Navigator SDK, your old
’.VB’ files in the Pocket PC will stop working. In that case you need to open the corresponding Visual
Basic project files on your desktop computer and regenerate the ’.VB’ files in the Pocket PC.
1.3.3. Installing the Visual C++−specific parts
The \Sdk\TTNCom\lib\ directory contains the ’.lib’ files that an application needs to link against in
order to use the SDK, and the directory \Sdk\TTNCom\include\ contains any header file that a program
needs to include to be able to use the SDK DLL. No additional installation but unpacking is required.
1.3.4. Points of interests
The SDK contains a set of executables that facilitate creation of customized POI data sets that can be
added to the map. These executables are installed simply by unpacking the complete SDK. The executables
are stored in subdirectory \SDK\POI\, the chapter ’Providing your own points of interest to TomTom
Navigator’ explains how to use the executables.
1.3.5. Desktop Computer
In the desktop computer it is required to install a design mode version of TTNControl.ocx so that you
are able to add the TomTom Navigator SDK functionality to your eMbedded Visual Basic project. Note
that this is needed only during the development phase of your application. The design mode version of