Amber/White Combo Available Flash Patterns and Rates:
1) Off
2) Amber Combination (Patterns 5,4,6 Repeat) Default Pattern
3) White S.O.S.
4) Amber Alternating
5) Amber Random
6) Amber Sweep
1) Single – Default Rate
2) Double
3) Neobe
4) Scroll
Note: The White S.O.S. Flash Pattern has a fixed Flash Rate (5 WPM, not listed above).
Changing Patterns and Rates:
To Enter Programming Mode:
1) All Inputs Open, apply Power and ground to the lightbar.
2) Green wire connected to +V.
3) Wait at least one second, Double Tap the Brown wire to +V. All the lamps should flash 3 times to
indicate you've entered Programming Mode.
Note: The Double Tap of the Brown wire must occur within 4 seconds of connecting the Green wire to
+V, otherwise the lightbar will NOT enter Program Mode and will operate normally.
To change the Flash Pattern:
1) Brown/White wire must be Open, i.e. not connected to +V.
2) Tap the Brown wire to +V to step forward through the patterns.
3) Tap the Brown wire to +V twice to step backward through the patterns.
4) Tap and Hold the Brown wire to +V for 3 seconds to reset the pattern to the default flash pattern.
To change the Flash Rate:
1) Connect the Brown/White wire to +V.
2) Tap the Brown wire to +V to step forward through the flash rates.
3) Tap the Brown wire to +V twice to step backward through the flash rates.
4) Tap and Hold the Brown wire to +V for 3 seconds to reset the pattern to the default flash rate.