Press and hold the MANUAL and HORN buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds to exit
programming mode. The AUX switch indicator leds will flash 3 times to indicate the program
selections have been saved.
Exit Program Mode And Lock Out Changes
To exit program mode and lock out further changes to the 948L-DCP press and hold the
ARROW button and with the ARROW button depressed simultaneously press and hold the
HORN and MANUAL buttons for 2 seconds. The AUX switch indicator leds will sweep three
times to indicate program selections have been saved and further changes are locked out.
Unlocking A Locked 948L-DCP
To unlock a previously locked 948L-DCP press and hold the MANUAL button and plug
the unit into the slave port on the 940-AMP. AUXILIARY 1 through 6 will flash 3 times to
indicate activation of programming mode. Press and hold the MANUAL and HORN buttons
simultaneously for 2 seconds to exit programming mode. The AUX switch indicator leds will
flash 3 times to indicate the unlocked setting has been saved.
Copying Saved Settings To Un-Programmed Controllers
To copy a saved program to additional units, attach the 948L-DCP to the MASTER port on the
940-AMP using the CAT5 cable. Enter program mode then move the rotary switch to the RRB
position. Attach the 948L-DCP to be programmed to the SLAVE port on the 940-AMP using
a CAT5 cable. The AUX 1 indicator led on the SLAVE 948L-DCP will flash indicating the unit is
waiting to receive a program. Press the MANUAL button on the MASTER 948L-DCP, AUX 1-6
led indicators on the MASTER 948L-DCP will flash three times to indicate the program has been
sent. The AUX 6 led indicator on the slave 948L-DCP will flash to indicate the program was
successfully received.
Reset To Factory Defaults
To reset a 948L-DCP to factory default settings, enter programming mode as described above.
Once in programming mode press and hold the ARROW button then simultaneously press
and hold both the DIM button and the HORN button until all led indicators begin to flash then
release. Press the MANUAL button to accept the change. Exit programming mode by pressing
the HORN and MANUAL buttons simultaneously until the AUX 1-6 led indicators three times.