Programming AUX Switch Functionality:
Press the individual AUX switch you wish to change. The default for AUX switches 1 through 5 is ON/
OFF, pressing a switch once will change the function to MOMENTARY, a second press will change it to
TIME DELAY, a third press back to ON/OFF. AUX switch 6 defaults to MOMENTARY and the available
options are MOMENTARY, TIME DELAY (8 seconds), ON/OFF or RRB/MIC Volume. As a visual indicator
the switch will display a distinctive flash rate corresponding to the function selected. Press MANUAL
button once after programming each AUXILIARY switch.
LED SLOW Flash (256ms)
LED MEDIUM Flash (128ms)
LED FAST flash (64ms) - on AUX 6 only
Any AUX switch can be set to operate only when the ignition line to the siren amplifier is activated. To
make an AUX switch ignition enabled only press the AUX switch to be controlled, press the ARROW
button then press the MANUAL button to save.
Associating an AUX Switch to a Slide Switch position:
Move the slide switch to the position to be programmed. Press the AUX switch (s) to associate to the
mode position. Press the MANUAL button once after selecting AUXILIARY switch (s). Repeat for other
slide switch positions.
The default setting is for the siren to activate only in Mode 3 in the tone indicated on the rotary switch.
To enable siren activation in Mode 1 or Mode 2 move the Mode switch to the position to be changed.
Move the rotary switch to WAIL and then press the HORN button. The YELP, ALERT and HI/LOW
leds will begin flashing. Press manual to save selection then return the rotary switch to the STAND BY
For independent control of the siren move the slide switch to Mode 3. Press the HORN button then
press the MANUAL button to save the selection. If siren functionality has been added to any other Mode
position repeat the above steps for each Mode position.
Setting secondary siren tones. The default secondary tone is YELP. To change the secondary tone
begin with the slide switch in the off position. Set the rotary switch to WAIL, press the HORN button,
once the STAND BY led starts flashing return the rotary switch to the STAND BY position. The currently
programmed secondary tone will begin to flash. Press the HORN button to scroll through the available
secondary tones. Available tones are as follows:
Wail > Yelp > Hyper Yelp > Alert > Hyper Alert > Hi/Low > Hyper Hi/LOW
Once the secondary tone is selected press the MANUAL button to save the selection.