Plug all servo cables into the designated out
puts of your receiver (dependent on the ma
nufacturer). The servo leads of the aileron
are marked with shrinkable tubing. The ex
cessive lengths of the leads can be stashed
away in the back of the fuselage.
Now connect the ESC (electronic speed con
troller) to the three motor wires and to the
designated output of the receiver. Check the
correct running direction of the motor (clock
wise rotation in flight direction). If the motor
is running in the wrong direction, only change
two of the three motor wires. Use velcro tape
or fixing foam to mount the ESC on the bottom
side of the fuselage behind the battery board.
If necessary, secure the wire leads so that they
can’t get into the motor.
Use velcro tape on the bottom of the fuse
lage or fixing foam to fix the receiver and all
wire leads behind the wing screws.
Install the enclosed aluminum clamping cone
to the motor shaft. Tighten the screw nut ca
refully because of the aluminum thread. Use
3mm bolts and lock rings to fix the blades on
the center part. Install the spinner.