8.4.2 Outgoing Calls via VoIP
SIP Trunk is a logical pipeline connecting IP-PBX and SIP ITSP. By SIP Trunk, extension users in this system can
communicate with users in the third-party VoIP system.
The IPG-80XG IP-PBX supports outgoing call through SIP Trunk, connecting with the third-party VoIP system,
which means, we can either call users in other system, or call PSTN phone through other system.
There are two ways in connecting with the third party system:
1) The third party system provides an account and a password; we use this account and a password to
authenticate outgoing call. In this case, we need to fill “UserName” and “Password” fields when we add an outgoing
rule via VoIP.
2) The third party system set us as a trust host, do not authenticate our outgoing call but accept it directly. In this
case, no need to fill “UserName” and “Password”.
When using the first way, the caller number of our outgoing call is the account the other system provides.
When using the second way, the caller number of our outgoing call is the transformed number of our extension
number. The transformation depends on the values of “User Prifix” and “User Strip Bit” fields.