If y ou want to dispose of this e quipment, plea se do not
use the ordinary dus t bin !
This unit complies with European Council
Dire ctive 2 006 / 95 CE (Elec tromagnetic
Compatibility & Low Voltage Dire ctive s)
DVD Compatibility
This Produc t c an only play REGION Code 2 DVD
Wa rning !
This log o set on the pro duct me ans that
the rec ycling of th is app ara tu s co me s within the
framew ork of th e D ire ctive 200 2/96/CE of Janu ary
27 , 20 03 con cerning th e Waste of Electrical a nd
Ele ctronic Eq uipmen t (WEEE).
This symbo l me an s th at u sed electrical and
electron ic pro ducts shou ld n ot be mixed w ith
ge nera l ho useh old w aste. There is a se para te
colle ction syste m for these prod ucts.
-The pre sence o f dan gero us substan ces in th e ele ctrica l
an d ele ctronic e quipme nts can have p oten tial conse que nces
on the e nvir onmen t and hu man hea lth in the cycle of
rep roce ssin g th is prod uct.
-Ther efore , at th e end of its life time, th is pro duct shall not be
dispo sed with o th er non -recycled was te . Use d ele ctrica l
an d ele ctronic e quipme nt mu st be tre ated sepa rately a nd in
acco rda nce with legisla tion tha t requ ire s p rope r tre atment,
reco very an d r ecycling of u sed electrica l and electro nic
eq uipment.
-Lo cal a uthoritie s a nd reselle rs h ave set special
pro ced ures for th e purp ose of collecting and re cycling this
pro duc t (pleas e co ntact your lo cal au thority fo r fur th er deta ils).
You ha ve th e oblig atio n to use the selective waste colle ction
systems put in place by yo ur lo cal au th ority.
-If yo ur used ele ctrica l or ele ctronic equ ipme nt h as b atteries
or accu mula tors, p le ase disp ose of th ese sepa rately b efore h
an d accord in g to loca l req uir ements.
-By disp osing.o f this prod uct co rrectly yo u will help
en sure tha t the waste und ergo es th e nece ssary treatmen t,
reco very an d r ecycling an d th us preve nt p oten tial n ega tive
effects on the environ me nt a nd hu ma n hea lth which could
oth erwise arise d ue to inap pro pria te waste han dling .
End of Life Disposal
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