Safety Instructions
1. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or Splashing and
that no objects filled with liquids, such as Vases, shall be placed
the apparatus.
2. The mains plug is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect
device shall remain readily operable.
3. To be completely disconnect the power input, the mains plug of
apparatus shall be disconnected from the mains.
4. The mains plug of apparatus should not be obstructed or should
be easily accessed during intended use.
Special notice
A few highlights or dark spots may occur on the LCD screen. It is a very common
phenomenon of the activematrix display technology, and does not mean any defects
or faults. Never try to repair this machine by yourself. In case of any faults. Please
turn off the unit at once, and notify our Company or the corresponding dealer. The
display is made up of many precision electronic components. Any disassembly or
modification may lead to further damage.
Corr ect D ispo sal o f th is pro duct.This making ind ica te s th at
this pro duc t sho uld not be dispose d with oth er h ou seho ld
waste s thro ugh out the EU .To preve nt p ossible h arm to the
en viro nmen t or hu men hea lth from u nco ntrolle d waste disposa l ,
rec ycle it resp onsibly to p romote the sustainab le re use of ma terial
res ource s.To return yo ur used device,plea se u se the return a nd
colle ctio n syste ms or contact the reta iler wher e th e prod uct was
pu rcha sed.They can take th is pro duct for environ me ntal sa fe
rec ycling.
Wa rning:
To redu ce th e risk of fire or electric shock,d o n ot e xpo se th is
a pplia nce to rain or mo istur e,dripping o r sp lash in g and th at
n o objects filled with liquids,such a s va ses,sha ll be pla ced
o n th e app aratu s. Dang ero us hig h volta ges are p resen t
inside the en clo sure.D o n ot ope n th e c abinet.Re fer servicing
to qu alifie d pers one l only.
Atte nt ion:
To preve nt ele ctric sho ck,ma tc h w ide b la de of p lug to wide
slot,fully in sert.
Lase r:
This Digital Vid eo Disk player emp lo ys a Lase r System .To
en sure pro per use o f th is pro duct,plea se r ead this owne r
manu al ca refully and re tain fo r fu tu re refere nce .Sh ould the
un it r equ ire mainten ance ,conta ct an autho rize d service
lo catio n see service pro cedu re.
U se o f co ntrols,adjustmen t or th e perfo rmance of pro cedu res
o th er than tho se specifie d ma y re sult in h azar dou s radiation
e xposu re.
To preve nt d ire ct e xposu re to lase r b eam,do n ot try to o pen the
e nclosure .
Visib le an d in visible lase r r adiatio n whe n o pe n and interlocks
d efea te d
Semiconductor laser GaAIAs
Wave length 650 nm/780nm
Output Power
Beam divergence 60degree
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