A browser is required to access the system settings to activate unit.
Verified browsers (Version) : Microsoft Edge (38.14393.1066.0)
Google Chrome (Version 63.0.3239.132)
Firefox (Version 58.0.2)
Connect to the unit's Web server by using the IP address.
The default IP address is (Subnet mask is
When using the default IP address, enter "http: //" to establish the connection.
Holding down the call button for 5 seconds or more within 5 minutes after power-on, the IP address can be
confirmed in voice.
For the details, see the separate "N-SP80 Series Instruction Manual."
The latest version of the "N-SP80 Series Instruction Manual" can be downloaded from the TOA product data
download site (https://www.toa-products.com/international/).
User name and password settings are as follows.
User name: N-SP80
The user name is fixed. It cannot
be changed.
Password: guest (default setting)
The password can be changed.
Enter it with up to 63 characters.
• Unusable characters : &, %, ‘ , =
• Password is case-sensitive.
[Other connections]
4. External control input terminal*
No-voltage make contact, Open voltage: 30 V DC, Short-circuit current: 10 mA, Short-circuit duration: 200 ms
or more
Connect such a device that outputs the control signals as an external control switch or sensor to this terminal.
Two channels of the control signals can be applied. The table below shows the combination of the terminals.
Combination of the terminals
Control input 1
IN1 and GND
Control input 2
IN2 and GND
5. Relay connection terminals 1 and 2*
Contact type: Relay contact output, Contact capacity: 30 V DC, 0.5 A
Connect the device that is controlled by the relay output such as an electric lock to this terminal.
Two channels of the control signals can be output. Also, a closed contact or open contact can be selected
for each signal depending on the terminal to be connected.
The table below shows the combination of the terminals.
Combination of the terminals
When the closed contact is selected
When the open contact is selected
Relay output 1
Relay output 1's NO and COM
Relay output 1's NC and COM
Relay output 2
Relay output 2's NO and COM
Relay output 2's NC and COM
Never connect any devices to both the closed contact and open contact terminals of the same relay output at
the same time, as this could result in the unit failure.
* To use these terminals, you need to make the system setting on the browser.
For the details, see the separate "N-SP80 Series Instruction Manual."
The latest version of the "N-SP80 Series Instruction Manual" can be downloaded from the TOA product data
download site (https://www.toa-products.com/international/).