IN/OUT Annunciation
(1 ) One-shot Make Output
(50 contacts)
(2) Make/Break Output
(100 contacts)
(3) 8 Selectable Make Output
(9 unit blocks)
(4) Decimal Output
(9 unit blocks)
(5)4 Decimal digits output
(9 unit blocks)
(6) Pager Control Output
(64 contacts)
Calling Party Indication (1)
(One Station; One Lamp)
Calling Party Indication (2)
(One Station; One Lamp)
Personel in and out registration can
be accomplished at any Master sta-
tion by using personal numbers. Max.
500 IN/OUT annunciations may be
done. (All the 3 exchanges provided
the same indication)
One-shot make contacts can be avail-
able at any Master station.
Make/Break contacts can be available
at any Master station.
One contact out of 8 selectable make
outputs is obtained. "Clear" opera-
tion makes ail 8 relays break. *1
10 Selectable Decimal Outputs are
available with 7 segments LEDs. *1
Indicate by 7 segments LEDs.
Make output (64 contacts) are avail-
able for pager control.
Max. 120-Calling station numbers can
be indicated when designated called
station with Display Board is called.
The numbers of called stations having
an indication panel can be program-
med at No. 200 station. (Only the
stations within the same
exchange can be indicated by a lamp)
• IN/OUT Annunciation
• ITV camera selection
• VTR control
• Door Remote
• IN/OUT Annunciation
• Destination indication
• VTR control
• Room condition indication.
• Prescription annunciation
• Pager
• The group number of called
station (s). No. 1 ~ 4
• The group number of called
station (s). No. 5 ~ 8
*1.Each exchange has an independent control system, and it is
impossible to control the Data Transmitting Unit of the other
exchange form the station connected to the different exchange.
*2. Can only be connected to the exchange A (Station No. 200 ~
327). It is impossible to call the pagers from any station not
connected to the exchange A. However, the response to a pager
call is possible from any station regardless of the exchange it is
connected to.
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