13-3 Channel 3 (CH. 3)
(1) 4 Decimal Digits Output (9 units)
(3) 8-Selectable Make Output (9 units)
(5) 8-Selectable One-shot Make Output
(9 units)
(2) Decimal Output (9 units)
(4) Pager Control Output (100 contacts)
(1) 4 Decimal Digits Output
Unit No.6
Unit No. 4 Decimal Digits
Unit No.7
Binary Output Negative Logic
(2) Decimal Output
(3) 8-Selectable Make Output
Unit No. Condition No.
Unit No .8 Condition "9"
Bindary Negative
Logic Output
Unit No.4 Condition"1"
Unit No.6 Condition "8"
1: Relay Make
0: Relay Break
(4) Pager Control Output
Pager No.
Pager No.79 is being called.
8-Selectable One-shot Make
Unit No. Condition No.
Unit No.4 Condition "1"
Unit No.6 Condition "8"
Each Relay Output shows
Relay Contact Number.
shows the Head of a Slide Switch
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