W W W . T M G I N D U S T R I A L . C O M
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T o l l F r e e : 1 - 8 7 7 - 7 6 1 - 2 8 1 9
Picture 7
After Installation
Walk around and inspect the building periodically to make sure the parts are firmly fixed
and the whole building is well supported. Check all bolts and hardware connectors to
make sure they are in place and tightened. Check the base plates, adjust the ropes if
necessary and clean the cover regularly.
Snow accumulating on the fabric cover must be removed as soon as possible. Ifsnow is
allowed to become solid ice on the cover, it could increase theweight on the roof and
collapse the buildingor reduce the life span.
We strongly recommend you remove any snow from the roof immediately. Do not leave any
snow load on the roof overnight. Keep 3 feet of clearance onall sides at all times. Do not allow
snow to accumulate and pile up on the sides of the building. Otherwise the pressure from the
sides will push inwards and could lead to a collapse.