CHAPTER 2: Operation cont.
App operation
The TMG a-15 system can be paired with a Android or IOS device. The following apps
are available, TMG Defender Lite App on Android and IOS.
JBV1 Android app, paired with a Valentine One Radar detector, and TMG Remote on
Android. JBV1, and TMG Remote are made by John Boy Software.
Starting the TMG Laser defender Lite App on Android or IOS
1. Power on the TMG a-15 CPU
2. To begin pairing,press the Bluetooth icon on the far right side of the app.
3. Select scan,and choose the “LD” that appears,and type 1234 as the password.
0000 is also another password to try.
4. The blue Bluetooth light on the CPU will light up. You are now connected.
5. From the App you can have full access to the CPU buttons,adjust Auto-kill
seconds,Adjust the sleep time in between alerts.
6. You can now update gun algorithms, and CPU control firmware.
*Note- The firmware servers are only available on the TMG Laser Defender Lite App.
Algorithm update (Must have Internet access)
This firmware uploads the Lidar gun algorithms to the CPU. (Must have strong
Internet access) These updates will come available as more Lidar gun firmwares are
1. Connect to your Android or IOS device by the Starting the TMG Laser Defender Lite
App instructions mentioned above.
2. Once connected, push the UDT button on the CPU. An audio voice will say
“Algorithm update open app and select new algorithm and enable Bluetooth”
3. Press the Alglo update tab on the App, and you will hear an audio voice say “Start
transferring” select OK on the instruction screen.
4. The Alglo firmware will load up on top, by the loading bar, followed by the green
indicator light flashing on the app, and a blinking UDT CPU button.
5. The CPU will reset,and announce “Update finished or aborted returning to
defender mode” to confirm the upload.
CHAPTER 3: Troubleshooting
Q: The CPU is not powering on?
A: Make sure the power port is plugged in snug. Make sure all electrical wires have good
connections,Check for a blown fuse in the hardwire power cable.
Q: Why aren’t my heads receiving a Laser alert when shot by Police?
A: Make sure your Volume is turned up high enough to hear over road noise and loud
music,and is not on zero. The Officer may have not targeted you specifically,or pulled
the trigger. Make sure your sensor cables are all plugged in, and lined up correctly by the
arrows. A laser tester will confirm a Laser alert. A faulty head will not alert to Laser.
Q: Why is my CPU locked up?
A: Try a soft reset by a 1 second push on the RST button. The firmware did not upload
correctly, The CPU case was smashed causing a button to be stuck. CPU notices a bad head.
Q: How do i know if i have a bad sensor,or the sensor has head failure?
A: The CPU can lock up, The CPU bluetooth light will randomly flash rapid upon start up,
The fuse in the hardwire will keep blowing. The sensor will run hot compared to the others.
Please call Customer support for a replacement.
Q: Why does the CPU keep announcing “Algorithm update” and is frozen?
A: Try to re-upload the Alglo,or CPU control firmware.
Q: Why will the App not load up a firmware?
A: Make sure your device has a 4G service, or a strong WIFI connection. Make sure you are
not in a third party app.