Press button to exit the time setting mode and enter the wave setting mode.
Please note:
The “:” symbol will NOT be displayed when you are in wave setting mode.
1. Press the button and the first digit (Time Period) will flash.
2. Use the button to select the Time Period you wish to adjust the settings in.*
3. Press the button to move to the second digit (Power Intensity) and use the
button to adjust the setting as required
4. Press the button to move to the third digit (Wave Mode) and use the button to
adjust the setting as required.**
5. Press the button to move to the fourth digit (Wave Frequency) and use the
button to adjust the setting as required
*Please note:
Time Periods are not user defined. However, in each pre-set time period the power
intensity, the wave mode and the wave frequency can be adjusted according to the individual
requirements of the aquarium
**Please note:
In Continuous Stream Mode the Wave Frequency is factory pre-set at 8 and
cannot be adjusted. In Random Mode, Wave Frequency and Power Intensity cannot be adjusted and
the LCD Display will show a “0” to denote that these cannot be changed.
6. Once you have made all adjustments as required, and the digits are no longer flashing, press
the button to exit the Wave Mode setting and to return to the current time display.
Please note:
When making any changes to the Wave Mode settings it is important that you
check and observe the effect any change made will have on your individual aquarium and make
sure that the wave intensity and frequency is suitable for your size aquarium and its inhabitants.
Please note:
In the event of a power cut, your Wave Mode settings will be saved but if the
power cut is more than 2 hours in duration you will need to reset the time when power is
REEF-Tide instructions v1-2017_Layout 1 02/06/2017 16:25 Page 9