Chapter 5 Installation
AI5TT Pentium Baby AT Motherboard User
s Manual
Chapter 5 Installation
This chapter describes the connectors and interfaces that the AI5TT
provides for creating a working system. Refer to Figure 3 for the location
of the connectors.
The following items are covered in this chapter:
5.1 J1, J4: AT Keyboard and PS/2 Mouse Connectors.............. 21
5.2 J2: ATX Power Supply Connector ...................................... 21
5.3 J3: AT Power Connector ..................................................... 22
5.4 J5: Infrared Connector......................................................... 22
5.5 J7, J6: Serial Ports ............................................................... 23
5.6 J8: Parallel Port Connector.................................................. 23
5.7 J9: Floppy Drive Connector ................................................ 24
5.8 J10: USB Connector ............................................................ 24
5.9 J11: Wake on LAN Connector ............................................ 25
5.10 J12: CPU Fan Power Connector ........................................ 25
5.11 J14, J13: IDE Connectors .................................................. 26
5.12 J15: Front Bezel Connector ............................................... 27