TKOKO AP-W228K Operation Manual Download Page 4

   Please put the tape 

expolsed side downward


Real panel

33.Record line input.
34.Audio output 1.
35.Audio output 2.

36.Connect with ground.
37.AC 220V power input.

How to play?

     Link the unit with stereo amplifier. Please keep the unit some distance away 
form the amplifier. If you put them together, some noise may incur. C-120 tape 
(tape that can play for 120 minutes forward and backward) or even thinner tapes 
are not recommended to use in the unit. For thin tapes will be easy to tangle with 
the deck.

1.Press POWER button.

2.Press STOP/EJ  button
 to open the deck.

3.Put the tape into the deck and 
close it, when a




 is heard, 

the deck is closed.

4.Press the PLAY
 button to play.



(5).Press DIR button to change 
the direction of the movement 
in deck A.

(6).Press the MODE button
 to choose play one-side or
 both sides.

(7)Press the REW button 
for rewinding.

(8).Press FF button for 

(9).Press PAUSE button in 
the B deck to pause.

(10).Press DNR ON button to 
enter automatically digital 
noise reducing. And press 
OFF to stop.

How To Record?

A)The loose tapes may tangle with 
the deck. If there are any loose tapes, 
please tighten them with a pencil.

D).How to select the recording source?

1.Choose deck A to be the source. Just play the tape in it for recording.
2.Choose LINE to record from device link to it.
3.Choose deck A and LINE to be the sources for mix recording.

E).How to set the recording electric level? 
Use the right and left electric level control
 knobs to adjust the level. Usually turning
the indicator to the middle it can work very well.

F)In the recording mode, press 
REC function button to select 
tape type.

G).In the playing mode, press 
PLAY function button to select
tape type.

