The European Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive has been brought in to help reduce
hand arm vibration syndrome injuries to power tool users. The directive requires power
tool manufacturers and suppliers to provide indicative vibration test results to enable users
to make informed decisions as to the period of time a power tool can be used safely on a
daily basis and the choice of tool.
Further Advice can be found at
he declared vibration emission value should be used as a minimum level and should be used
with the current guidance on vibration.
Calculating the actual period of the actual period off use can be difficult and the HSE website has
further information.
The declared vibration emission been measured in accordance with a standardised test stated
above and may be used to compare one tool with another.
The declared vibration emission value may also be used in a preliminary assessment of exposure.
he vibration emission value during actual use of the power tool can differ from
the declared value depending on the ways in which the tool is used dependant on the
following examples and other variations on how the tool is used:
How the tool is used and the materials being ground or cut.
The tool being in good condition and well maintained
The use the correct accessory for the tool and ensuring it is sharp and in good condition.
The tightness of the grip on the handles.
And the tool is being used as intended by its design and these instructions.
This tool may cause hand-arm vibration syndrome if its use is not adequately
identify safety measures to protect the operator that are based on an
estimation of exposure in the actual conditions of use (taking account of all parts of the
operating cycle such as the times when the tool is switched off and when it is running idle in
addition to the trigger time).Note The use of other tools will reduce the users’ total working period
on this tool.
Helping to minimise your vibration exposure risk.
Maintain this tool in accordance with these instructions and keep well lubricated (where
Avoid using tools in temperatures of 10°C or less
Plan your work schedule to spread any high vibration tool use across a number of days.
Health Surveillance
All employees should be part of an employer’s health surveillance scheme to help identity any
vibration related diseases at an early stage, prevent disease progression and help employees stay
in work.
Vibration total values (triax vector sum) determined according to EN 60745:
Vibration for angle grinding a
h, AG
= 9,368m/s
Uncertainty K
= 1,5m/s
Vibration for auxiliary handle a
h, AG
= 8,494 m/s