TYPE 5867
5867 Operating Instructions : Issue 3
User key:
This allows the oven facility to be turned on and off. The oven maintains the instrument’s precision components at a
stable and uniform 40°C. When the button is pressed, the OVEN LED will light to indicate that the oven has been turned
on. When it has reached within 5°C of the 40°C the LED will flash. When it is within it’s 40°C band the LED switches off. If
the oven is turned on when the “user” button is pressed, the temperature will be displayed. The button may be pressed
again to turn off the oven.
Note: The Shift key is reserved for future use.
Status LED’s:
These LED’s will light to indicate the instrument status:
This illuminates when the oven is heating (see section above, titled “Oven”. This will flash when the
oven is within 5°C of the standard 40°C.
This illuminates when the Q meter is being controlled remotely and is lit whilst commands are being
transferred via an RS232 link.
One of the measuring leads is open circuit or is not connected to the transformer correctly, or the
selected range is too small.
When the unit is being charged from the mains (and whilst the battery is still partially discharged) this
LED will illuminate. It will go off when the battery is approaching its fully charged state.
Switch key:
In normal operation, the key position should be set to RUN. For an engineer to programme values in, the key should be
switched to the ENG position.
The RS232 plug should be connected here (via an RS232/DIN connector adaptor).
The digital output is a 38400baud* N 8 1 serial interface. The RX & TX conform to the EIA RS232 standard of +15 to +5v
(Logic Low) and –15 to –5v (Logic High).
* Can be set in the menu for the instrument.