Sponsoring members of NACE International, NACE Foundation
QMF-570 105-056
Web: www.tinker-rasor.com
E-mail: [email protected]
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Do not connect the interrupter to the AC output side of rectifiers that have
an efficiency transformer. Always interrupt the DC (output) leg (not the taps) of
the circuit in that case.
Common Uses of the Model CI-50 include:
Close Interval Surveys (CIS)
On / Off Potential Surveys
Stray Current / Interference Testing
Fall of Potential
The Model CI-50 is easily programmed with Closed (Seconds On) and Open (Seconds Off)
cycles of between 0.1 sec and 99.9 sec, in 0.1 sec increments. The instrument is
microprocessor controlled for accurate timing and uses electronic switching instead of
mechanical relays. The CI-50 is not a GPS synchronizing instrument.
The CI-50 is designed to be used by trained individuals. Many
jurisdictions have laws or recommendations for the type of training necessary in
order to handle high voltage connections. Consult your company or jurisdiction
for guidance in the type of training necessary to use this instrument properly.
Programming the CI - 50:
The Model CI-50 is capable of interrupt cycles of 0.1 sec Closed (Seconds On) and Open
(Seconds Off). To program the CI-50, it is necessary to follow these simple steps:
(1) Turn the instrument on by moving the toggle switch UP. Note that the OPEN LED turns
on. (If Low Batt LED is flashing, it is recommended that the batteries be changed)
(2) Wait for the instrument to initialize. This is indicated by the display quickly counting up
numbers, Left to Right, then returning to
(3) Press the Program button.
(4) The first digit (Left side) begins to blink.
(5) Press the appropriate Adjust Digit button
(Up or Down) to change the display to the desired digit.
(6) When the Left most number is the correct digit for your programming, press Program
button again, and the next digit begins to blink. This
digit may now be adjusted using the Adjust Digit
(7) Repeat steps 3 through 6 until all six (6) digits have
been programmed.
(8) Press Program button again and the display will turn
The Model CI-50 is now programmed and ready for operation.
2828 FM 758, NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 TEL: (830) 253-5621