Following treatment
When you have completed your Deep Cleansing
and Exfoliation treatment, rinse your face with
luke warm tap water or wipe away cleanser
with a muslin cloth, fl annel or cotton wool
pads and continue with either another Tua
Spa treatment and/or your skincare regimen.
Zone 8 – Neck and décolleté
Tina Richards’ Tips
Make shorter movements with the modulator, applying a little more pressure
around the nose and chin then lifting out in a scooping action to help loosen debris
that may be blocking pores.
If you want to concentrate on exfoliating more sensitive areas of your face, such as
around your nose and eyes, you may wish to switch to the Fast Intermittent mode.
Once or twice a month, if you have a normal skin type, use Tua Spa with a cleanser
or facial wash containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids, for example 5% glycolic
acid and/or 2% salicylic acid. This will intensify the peeling action of the Exfoliation
treatment. If you are undergoing any medical facial treatments consult with your
doctor fi rst.
Remember to always wear high factor broad spectrum (UVA + UVB) sunscreen
every day; this is especially important after peeling treatments.
The SONIC Deep Cleansing and Exfoliation treatments can be applied to body
areas too including the décolleté, back-of-hands, upper arms and back.
Micro-massage Induction
Micro-massages facial products into your skin so that their active ingredients will
be better absorbed, enhancing hydration, fi rmness, skin colour, skin plumpness
and radiance.
The Micro-massage Induction treatment is great as an evening routine to massage
in your favourite night time products and stimulate your skin while also winding
you down before sleep - which is when your skin’s repair mechanisms are most
active. However, it can be done at any time of the day and is gentle enough for
daily use.
On some days you may wish to precede the Micro-massage Induction treatment
with the Deep Cleansing and Exfoliation treatments to optimise the penetration
of the active ingredients in your skincare products.
Before you begin, please read “NORMAL SENSATIONS &
OBSERVATIONS when using Tua Spa” on page 36.
• Choose
SONIC Slow Continuous
Slow Intermittent
on skin sensitivity (see page 21)
• Use Modulator Position 2 (see photo)
• Follow the routine zone by zone (1
to 7) for maximum benefi t
• Use your favourite serums, facial
gels, oils, moisturising creams, eye
serums/creams; preferably applied to damp skin
• Recommended treatment length: 2 - 3 minutes
• This treatment is gentle enough for daily use for normal skin. 2-3 times per
week is recommended for sensitive skin
• Use the Intermittent modes for areas you may fi nd sensitive such as the eye area
• Do not treat directly over the eye lids