Step 5. Checking the assembly of wheels
Lift the wheelchair slightly and spin the right wheel and then the left
one by pulling the handrims and check if the wheels spin properly.
On completion of the above activities, the wheelchair is ready to use.
The wheelchair can be re-folded in order to be transported and stored
more easily.
Before folding the frame, swing away the footplates and set them
in vertical position (perpendicularly to the ground).
To fold the frame, pull the seat upwards by holding the front and
the back edge in the middle, so that the frame jumps out from the
connecting elements.
Press the locking button located in the front part of the armrest
and push the armrest backwards.
To close the armrest, push it downwards so that the locking
button clicks.
The wheelchair was equipped with pneumatic rear wheels 24’’ in
diameter and swivel, solid PU wheels 8’’ in diameter (tubeless
tyre). Remember to control the air pressure in both wheels and
check the condition of the tyres in search of abrasions, cuts or
surface depletion.
To balance the air pressure in the wheels, twist off the cap of the
valve, insert the pump (included in the set) into the valve, and
pump the air.
To lock the wheels, push the wheel lock lever forwards until the
wheel is fully blocked (separately for left and right wheel). Please,