“DingDong”-sound or siren sound
IMPORTANT: Please note that the sound of the X3 alarm unit, 120dB siren or
“DingDong”, is defined by the zone and by the mode of the X3 (ac vated
mode or deac vated mode).
Please refer to the below table.
The X3 can be used as a no fica on device under the following confi ons: the
no fica on sensor is connected in zone 4 and the X3 is in deac vated mode.
Changing the 4-digit passcode
Expanding your system
When a sensor triggers an alarm in siren mode, the alarm sounds for 2 minutes.
Then, the siren stops and the X3 siren returns into ac vated mode again
automa cally. The siren can also be stopped at any me by entering the
personal 4-digit code. During an alarm, the LED of the respec ve zone lights up
un l the alarm is switched off.
Please only use accessories from the Tiiwee Home Alarm System to ensure a
proper func on of the system.
This is an example for connec ng a door sensor to
zone 2:
Proceed as described with the door sensors in the previous chapter. However,
ac va on of the device is done by moving your hand in front of the mo on
detector. When performing the pairing procedure, make sure the mo on
detector is facing away from you to avoid unwanted signals from the device
whilst pairing it to the X3 Siren.
Expand the X3 system with Tiiwee door sensors and mo on detectors from the
Tiiwee Home Alarm System. It is possible to connect up to 10 Sensors per zone.
For the “Welcome”-zone, you can select a low volume or a high volume “DingDong”
-sound by using the “DingDong”-sound volume bu on.
Now, enter the new 4 digit code. You will hear a long beep indica ng that
the code was accepted - if no new code is entered within 20 seconds you
will hear 2 long beeps and the X3 will exit the code change mode.
Now press the Ac va on-bu on to confirm the new code. You will hear a
long beep as a confirma on that the new code was stored - if the
Ac va on-bu on is not pressed within 20 seconds you will hear 2 long
beeps and the X3 will exit the code change mode without storing it.
Remove the X3 back plate and remove one ba ery.
Press one of the mul func onal keypad bu ons (1,2,3 or 4) and keep it
pressed. Now insert the ba ery whilst keeping the bu on
pressed. You will hear 6 long beeps followed by 6 short beeps.
Now, release the bu on - all 4 LEDs are lit.
Deac vate the X3 siren by entering your personal 4-digit passcode.
Press bu on "2" for 5 seconds. You will hear a beep and the LED of zone 2
lights up.
Ac vate the door sensor by moving the magnet away from the sensor.
You will hear two beeps, and the LED of zone 2 will blink twice.
Safe the se ng by pressing the bu on "2" briefly again.
The door sensor has now been connected to zone 2.
When the siren sounds
Connec ng addi onal door sensors
Connec ng PIR Mo on Detectors
Please note: You cannot add addi onal X3 sirens or other sirens to your system.
The factory 4-digit passcode is set to “1-2-3-4”.
However, you can change your
4-digit passcode to any other 4-digit number:
Zone #
Zone type
Deac vated
Ac vated
in “Away”
Ac vated in “Home”
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 3
Zone 4