18G 4x2 HDMI Matrix Switcher
Automatically send the hex command zzzz
on the local RS232 using the specified
baud rate x when entering poweron status.
x = 1 - 7
1 - 2400
2 - 4800
3 - 9600
4 - 19200
5 - 38400
6 - 57600
7 - 115200
sendhexpowon,x:zzzz ok
Automatically send the hex command zzzz
on the local RS232 using the specified
baud rate x when entering poweroff status.
x = 1 - 7
1 - 2400
2 - 4800
3 - 9600
4 - 19200
5 - 38400
6 - 57600
7 - 115200
sendhexpowoff,x:zzzz ok
Sends the User Defined Commands that is
defined in WEB UI.
z = 1 - 3
1 - User Defined Command 1
2 - User Defined Command 2
3 - User Defined Command 3
sendusercommand,z ok